Draft Horse Powered & Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Eat Good Food All Year


We have almost reached our Membership cap for the 2025 CSA!

Please CONTACT US TODAY if you are interested in joining our 2025 CSA , to join our wait list, to be notified when we have produce specials available, or be added to our newsletter so you can keep up with events and activities on the farm.

WE ARE HIRING: CSA Pickup Assistant

Join us on Saturdays year-round at the farm STORE to assist with CSA Pickup!

This is a 1 day a week position and a great way to engage in farming and enjoy our CSA community

Click HERE for more details.

Featherbed Lane Farm’s CSa pickups are on Saturdays, year round, 9am-1pm

As a CSA Member, you get farm fresh produce every week of the year, all year round. In addition to being full year, our CSA is also free choice, which means you get to choose the produce, and how much of it, that you want to eat each week. We do not pre-box your Share. You take what you want.

Featherbed Lane Farm is the only farm in Saratoga County working with draft horses as a primary power source. Learn more about us on our ABOUT THE FARM page.


About the Farm

We farm because we believe farming can produce amazing food, care for the land and build community. Find out more about us, our farming practices, our horses and all of the farmers at Featherbed Lane Farm:

What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a model of farming wherein people commit to buying their food directly from their farmer. Find out more about the CSA model and the benefits of CSA Membership at Featherbed Lane Farm:

Become a Member

Are you ready to become a CSA Member? Do you have questions? Get in touch and learn more about our CSA Membership:


Our mission at Featherbed Lane Farm is to provide our community with year-round access to the highest quality of foods and meaningful agricultural experiences.

  Through our diversified and draft power farm, we strive to support our family and employees, manage the land sustainably, provide fresh and nutritious food, and offer on-farm access and activities that benefit our community.

Fabulous veggies, good conversation, fun farm atmosphere, interesting members. A good time on a Saturday morning!
— CSA Member