1 med. red onion, chopped
2 med. butternut squash
2 eggs
1 shallot, chopped
4 T whole wheat flour
1 cup leeks, sliced
4-5 slices whole grain bread *
2 T garlic (or scapes), diced
1-2 T butter, melted *
1-2 T each sage and oregano
Pinch dried red pepper
Salt to taste
Slice in half, and scoop seeds from squash. Roast for 40 minutes, cut side down on cookie sheet, or until tender enough to stick a fork into. Cool.
Sautee ingredients from first column. In a large bowl, mix up egg with flour, and scoop squash in, and mash together. Add sautéed ingredients.
* To make bread crumb topping, run bread through food processer, melt butter in saucepan, and combine.
Put mixture into 9 x 13 pan, top with crumbs, and bake uncovered at 350 for 40 minutes.
Variations: for kids (and adults) who don’t like pieces of onions, etc., puree with the squash before baking.
For cheese lovers, add ½-1c of shredded cheese before adding topping.