Various Greens

Pac Choy: This delicious Asian green can be quickly cooked in many ways!

BBQ: Lightly drizzle olive oil (or other oil) on individual leaves and then put them on the BBQ for a quick minute DELICIOUS!

Stirfy: These are great chopped and added to a stirfry at the last minute. Cook the other vegetables (and maybe meat). Turn the heat off put the pac choy on top of the stirfy and cover letting the pac choy cook in the residual heat of the pan for a couple mins.

These green will cook quickly, you can even just put a freshly cooked egg (still hot) egg on top of the pac choy.

Dandilion greens: These are a bitter greens (and a diuretic) with lots of beneficial nutrients such as vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, folate, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.  They are very good for digestion

Pea shoots are the baby plants of peas! Great for stir fry or a salad. Crunchy, juicy texture and the same yummy taste as fresh peas. Perfect for sandwiches and on pasta, rice, and vegetable dishes! Try your pea shoots at different times while they’re growing – their flavor and texture is best when they’re about 3” tall.

Mustard greens: Super high in vitaman K reducing inflammation and good for the bones. The tender and slightly spicy green is great raw in salads and sandwiches! Mustard greens have a peppery, or mustard-like, flavor and the smaller leaves can be quite tender. These greens are super nutrient rich and particularly high in vitamin K which is key for bone health! These greens are great raw mixed in with a lettuce to add a gentle kick to your salad or sandwich. Likewise, they are delicious in soups, or lightly sautéed. They will cook down a lot!