Caramelized Braised Leeks from

  • 3 Leeks                

  • 3 Tbs Olive Oil         

  • ½ tsp Salt                

  • ½ tsp Sugar     

  • ¾ C Broth (chicken or vegetable)                         

  • 2Tbs Lemon Juice        

  • fresh Sage plus more for garnish

Trim off the leek greens right where the light green part ends and it starts to turn a darker green and set aside to use another time (don't throw away). Slice each leek in half lengthwise. Run  them under cold water to thoroughly (yet gently) clean between the layers to remove dirt and grit. Shake off any excess water, pat dry, and set aside. Heat a large pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil, sugar, and salt. Give it a quick stir and add the leeks in a single layer with the cut side down. Cook them for 5 minutes, turn over and cook the other side for 2-3 more minutes. Add the broth, lemon juice, and fresh sage sprigs (leave them whole since you'll discard them after cooking). Cover with a lid and reduce the heat to medium-low. Cook covered for 25 minutes undisturbed. Remove the lid and the sage. Turn the heat up to medium-high and boil until the liquid is reduced by half. Serve with a drizzle with the reduced liquid in the pan, top with flaky sea salt, and optional fresh herbs. Enjoy!